Counting cards in blackjack is a popular and intriguing strategy that many casino enthusiasts utilize to gain an edge over the house

04 oktober 2023 Peter Mortensen

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of what counting cards entails, its historical development, and what you need to know to successfully implement this strategy in your gameplay. Whether you are a seasoned gambler or simply interested in casino games, this article will equip you with valuable knowledge about counting cards in blackjack.

What is Counting Cards in Blackjack?

Counting cards is a technique used in blackjack to keep track of the ratio of high to low cards remaining in the deck. By doing so, players can make informed decisions regarding their bets, as they will have an idea of the probability of receiving favorable or unfavorable cards. The concept behind counting cards is fairly simple: when the ratio of high cards (10s, face cards, and Aces) to low cards (2s to 6s) is high, the player has a greater chance of being dealt strong hands, such as blackjack or hands that can be easily improved. Conversely, when the ratio of high cards to low cards is low, the player is more likely to receive weaker hands or busts.

Counting cards in blackjack requires skill, practice, and a keen ability to perform mental calculations quickly and accurately. It is important to note that card counting is not illegal; however, casinos do not welcome players who engage in this strategy. If a casino suspects a player of counting cards, they may take measures such as banning the player from the premises. Therefore, it is crucial for card counters to employ stealth and discretion while playing.

The Historical Evolution of Counting Cards in Blackjack


The origins of counting cards can be traced back to the 1950s when mathematician Edward Thorp published his groundbreaking book, “Beat the Dealer.” Thorp’s book revolutionized the gambling world by introducing the concept of card counting and providing players with a mathematical advantage over the house. Although casinos initially dismissed this strategy, they soon realized its efficacy and subsequently made changes to the rules and deck composition to counteract card counting.

Over the years, card counting techniques have evolved and become more sophisticated. Players have developed various methods, such as the Hi-Lo system, the KO system, the Omega II system, and many more. These systems differ in complexity and require different levels of skill and practice to master.

Counting Cards in Blackjack: Everything You Need to Know

To become proficient at counting cards in blackjack, there are several important concepts and techniques to understand. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. The Basics of Card Values: Assigning values to cards is the foundation of card counting. In the Hi-Lo system, cards with a value of 2 to 6 are assigned a value of +1, cards with a value of 10 and Aces are assigned a value of -1, and cards with a value of 7 to 9 are assigned a value of 0.

2. Keeping a Running Count: As the cards are dealt, players must maintain a running count by adding or subtracting the assigned values of each card. The running count reflects the ratio of high to low cards remaining in the deck.

3. Calculating the True Count: To account for the number of decks used in the game, players calculate the true count by dividing the running count by the number of decks remaining. The true count provides a more accurate estimation of the probability of receiving favorable cards.

4. Betting Strategy: Based on the true count, players adjust their betting strategy. A high true count indicates a favorable situation, prompting players to increase their bets. Conversely, a low true count calls for lower bets or even sitting out of certain hands.

5. Practice and Discipline: Counting cards effectively requires countless hours of practice and discipline. Players must be able to perform mental calculations quickly and accurately without arousing suspicion from casino personnel.

In conclusion, counting cards in blackjack is a fascinating strategy that can give players an advantage over the house, although it requires skill, practice, and discretion to be successful. As it has evolved over time, casinos have taken measures to counteract card counting, making it more challenging for players. However, with a solid understanding of the principles and techniques involved, players can enhance their chances of winning in blackjack. So, if you’re intrigued by the world of casino games and are willing to put in the effort, counting cards in blackjack may be a strategy worth exploring.


Can I use card counting to consistently win at blackjack?

While card counting can give players an edge over the house, it does not guarantee consistent winnings. Blackjack is still a game of chance, and there are factors beyond a player's control. Additionally, casinos have implemented countermeasures to make card counting more difficult.

Is counting cards illegal?

Counting cards in blackjack is not illegal. However, casinos frown upon this strategy and may take measures such as banning players suspected of counting cards.

Which card counting system is the best?

There are various card counting systems, each with its own level of complexity. The best system for you depends on your skill level and the amount of practice you're willing to invest. Popular systems include the Hi-Lo system, KO system, and Omega II system.

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